Welcome to Hope's Heart

Little did I know the journey that I would undertake with my beautiful daughter - Hope. Born in 2008, the year the churches in Liverpool called, "The Year of Hope." Hope was actually named after the promise that with her came Hope. She was actually Hope Esther and her middle name came from a Biblical princess who was so strong and had such stoic faith that she rescued the nation of Israel in her generation, it was said of her that she was, "Born for such a time as this."

When naming Hope, I believed that she was born at the right time and that in her generation she would have a lasting impact.

Hope herself came into the world in such a rush that the midwife nearly didn't catch her. She lived life happily and loved her friends. She was happy so long as everyone else was happy. When she became ill with a brain tumour, she faced it stoically and with a smile. Yes there were moments when she struggled but I'll never forget the time I walked in to find my daughter, in pain from bony metastases, praying that everyone else in the world would stop suffering and be made well!

If you have followed www.hopestherapydogs.co.uk you know that our work with therapy dogs began with Hope asking me to train her own dog, Pippa to help other children. We now work in multiple schools across the North West and beyond. We've been fortunate enough to be supported by some amazing people and schools. However, we've also realised that the emotional and mental health crisis amongst children has reached crisis point. So now, alongside Hope's Therapy Dogs, we have Hope's Heart a registered charity which will, “.... relieve the needs of CYP primarily who are neurodiverse and/ or have experienced trauma, abuse or bereavement primarily through – professional animal assisted therapy – providing opportunities to participate in music and other art-based activities.”

If you look carefully at the picture of Hope below, you will see a little girl, who loved animals arts, music and dancing and who despite her suffering constantly loved others and wanted the world to be a better place.

We would be honoured if you would take this charity to heart in her name and help us fight for the needs of our children and young people today.....